Trademark registration in Belarus

with one application submitted
with a guarantee of results under the contract

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Alexander Dubok
Alexander Dubok
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Anatoly Dubok
Anatoly Dubok
Technical Director.
Daniel Fadeev
Daniel Fadeev
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Dmitry Naplekov
Dmitry Naplekov
Patent Attorney No. 2086.
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To promote products in new markets companies can use various designations of goods - they can be registered to establish a legal protection regime. Such protection in the Republic of Belarus can be obtained through the national patent service, or the rights can be secured at the international level. In order to register you need to prepare an application, undergo a number of mandatory examinations and pay the duties.

Marks are used for marking products, advertising campaigns, increasing brand awareness. Therefore, only legal entities and entrepreneurs can be right holders of trademarks. When preparing documents for registration, the following rules must be taken into account:

  • if legal protection is required only in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, it is sufficient to obtain a national certificate - such an application should be filed in the Belarusian language with the NCIP (National Center of Intellectual Property);
  • if company activities are related to the markets of several countries, it is reasonable to obtain a certificate under the Madrid system, in this case the application may be filed through the patent office of the country of the applicant's registration, and Belarus should be included in the list of countries;
  • in the process of registration at the national level it is possible to change the status of the application - if the applicant applies to the NCIP to transfer the application to the international status, the protection will arise in the selected countries when completing the registration.

This flexible registration regime allows commercial entities to independently determine where and how to secure trademark rights.

For registration actions it is necessary to submit application documentation to the NCIS. The list of mandatory forms and forms will include the application, the designation and its description, the register of product classes according to the Nice Classification. When using the classifier of the Nice Classification, it must be taken into account that legal protection will only be granted to goods whose classes and categories are indicated in the application. For other types of products, a similar trademark can be used or registered by another entity.

When the application is submitted to the NCIP, the national priority regime will arise. If an application with international status is considered, conventional priority is granted. This regime gives priority for registration if the examiners determine the existence of two or more applications with identical signs. The advantage is determined by the earlier date of receipt of the documents.

Stages of registration

Registration activities include the following steps:

The regime of protection will be valid for 10 years, within which a commercial entity will be able to use the mark to mark its products, sell or transfer the trademark to others, to implement all available options for protection. Transactions on sale and transfer of rights must be registered with the IPC, otherwise the legal effects of the contracts do not come into effect. After 10 years, the company or other right holder will be able to extend the validity of the certificate. To do this, one must submit an application to the IPC and pay the state duty.

The process of registration of trademarks in Belarus, as well as in other countries, is accompanied by many special nuances. These can be taken into account only with the support of professional specialists - patent attorneys, lawyers, other persons. Our company provides a full range of services for trademarks at the national and international level. We will help you to draw up documentation in the NCIP and obtain a certificate in the shortest possible time.

Tariffs and duties

Registration of trademarks through the NCIS is a paid service, and the rates of fees are approved by the Tax Code of the Republic of Belarus. In order to avoid regular amendments to the Tax Code of the Republic of Belarus, the duty rates are calculated in basic units. Accordingly, one must pay fees in the following amounts for registration activities:

  • 10 basic units are paid for filing the application, as well as 5 basic units for each additional class of the ICU over 1;
  • for substantive examination, a fee of 28 basic units is paid;
  • for the issuance of the certificate and registration in the registers, a fee of 19 basic units shall be paid;
  • if the national application changes status to international, the fees must be paid in Swiss francs.

A fee of 55 basic units must also be paid for the extension of the protection regime. Additional costs will be required if a collective mark is being registered, or if the applicant applies for repeated examinations.

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