Trademark registration in Kazakhstan

with one application submitted
with a guarantee of results under the contract

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Alexander Dubok
Alexander Dubok
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Anatoly Dubok
Anatoly Dubok
Technical Director.
Daniel Fadeev
Daniel Fadeev
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Dmitry Naplekov
Dmitry Naplekov
Patent Attorney No. 2086.
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When planning to expand production or commercial interests in the territory of Kazakhstan, the firm must make sure to protect its intellectual property. A registration certificate must be obtained for the trademark used to identify products. For this purpose, it is possible to apply to the national patent service of Kazakhstan, or by international application.

When starting to protect its trademarks, a company should choose the option of registration actions. To obtain a protection regime in Kazakhstan, the following rules must be taken into account:

  • to obtain a national certificate, it is necessary to apply to the RGKP NIIS (Kazpatent) - in this case the protection regime will be valid only in the territory of Kazakhstan;
  • to secure protection in several countries, it is necessary to apply under the Madrid system - a foreign company may submit documentation to the patent office of its country, if it is a party to the Madrid Agreement;
  • transfer of national application to international status is allowed - in this case, the company needs to submit an application and specify a list of countries in which protection is sought.

The contents of the application, for any variant of registration, must include a statement, a designation and its description, a list of product groups according to the classifier of the Nice Classification. A trademark in Kazakhstan can be registered in text, graphic, combined or other form.

A prerequisite for registration is to undergo expert examinations. When carrying out formal examination, the correctness of the forms and forms will be checked, as well as the completeness of the set of documents. The list of measures during the expert examination of the designation will be considerably broader:

  • official information search in the registers of Kazpatent and WIPO;
  • Experts will check the distinctiveness of the trademark, the absence of identity and similarity with similar objects that have already received protection;
  • the absence of bans or restrictions on trademark registration will be checked.

If Kazpatent experts have any claims or comments on the merits of the submitted designation and its description, a refusal may be issued. It will be impossible to make changes in the content of the application at the stage of examination of the designation. To eliminate the risks of refusal or delay in registration, contact the specialists of our company. We will conduct a preliminary examination of the application and information search, we will provide and eliminate any reasons for refusal.

With a positive result of all examinations we register the trademark. The information about the rightholder and the registered object will be included into the national Kazpatent registry and/or similar WIPO registry. The right holder will be issued a registration certificate, which will be valid for 10 years with the possibility of extension.

Tariffs and duties

At each stage of registration, the applicant will have to pay fees. The state duty rates are presented on the official website of Kazpatent:

It is also possible to submit documentation electronically through the Kazpatent website. In this case, the company expects to reduce the amount of state fees. When filing an international application, a single fee is payable, and its amount will depend on the number of selected countries and classes of products according to the Nice Classification of Products. Renewal is a paid service of Kazpatent.

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